Friday, June 20, 2008

Diuretics For High Blood Pressure Treatment - What You Should Know

While there are several diuretics for high blood pressure treatment, you'll want to know the benefits as well as the side effects. As a high blood pressure medication, diuretics are used to treat hypertension, and continue to be the first option that most doctors use. Diuretics work in dramatically reducing the water and sodium in your body. There is a wide array of diuretics available for prescription use. And in most cases they are not expensive. Depending on your situation you'll take them either once or twice a day.

What are the benefits?

Diuretics have several benefits including:

1. They greatly take away the possibility of strokes. As an anti-hypertensive agent, diuretics are the number one medicines in reducing this risk.

2. Heart attack risks are also reduced with these medicines.

3. Diuretics will also keep you from having blood clots.

4. Another benefit is that they have shown to help in preventing bone fractures with the elderly.

What diuretics for high blood pressure treatment are available?

Thiazides - This type of diuretic is by far the most commonly prescribed for hypertension and high blood pressure. Some of the names include Divril, Hygroton, Lozol, Esidrix and Hydro Divril.

Loop Diuretics - This hypertension medicine works faster in your body than thiazides and reduce sodium in the kidneys. The key with this diuretic is to stay hydrated and watch your potassium levels. Bumex, Lasix, and Edecrin are all loop diuretics.

Potassium sparing agents - Midamor, Aldactone and Dyrenium are all potassium sparing agents to help in fighting hypertension.

Possible side effects and problems

Some of the most common side effects of all forms of diuretics include irritability, tiredness, loss of sex drive, feeling of depression, and the possibility of increasing your cholesterol level.

One of the biggest problems to be aware of with diuretics is losing too much potassium which can lead to arrhythmias. Your doctor will keep an eye on this and if a problem does occur, they will lower your dosage or put you on a potassium supplement.

As a diuretic for high blood pressure treatment these medications work very well and provide good benefits to the user.

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By the way, you can learn more about Diuretics For High Blood Pressure Treatment as well as much more information about blood pressure at